Karate For All

Collection: Karate For All

Empower our youth through the art of Karate-Do and occupational therapy! Karate for All (KFA) is a therapeutic Martial Arts program operated by Occupational Therapists. This unique martial arts program is developed to help all children, teenagers, and adults gain self-confidence, make new friends, and learn self-defense. Our licensed occupational therapists’ specialized training also helps us assess and help with biomechanics, emotional management, and social skills as well. Your contribution, no matter the size, will directly fund equipment for the children at our facility in order to help us build a supportive environment for each and every one of our amazing students. Together, we will nurture resilient and focused individuals, instilling in them
valuable life skills that extend far beyond the dojo!

*For the month of April, a portion of Birdbath sales and 100% of donations will be given to KFA.  Birdbath is covering all transaction fees as well!

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